Nikos Karakatsianis - Digital Product Designer

XDEFI Wallet Marketing site


XDEFI Wallet Marketing Site

Creative Direction

On the run up to our public launch we were working on a complete rebrand, we needed to apply this to a major public-facing presence. Our marketing site was a core pillar in our strategy and a platform with which we could establish legitimacy, announce our brand vision and showcase our product.


The Challenge

Create a customer-facing marketing site that not only broadcasted our ambition and showcased our product, but could differentiate us in a space that, while young, has already become crowded. It was my responsibility to lead and direct the ideation and brand execution, ensuring it was produced to a high standard and communicated our brand vision.




We had decided - rather than working with an agency - to build a multidisciplinary team of contractors and keep the project in-house. I brought in a very talented team that I had worked with extensively in the past who I knew I could trust & rely on to provide us with the best possible outcome.

XDEFI Wallet’s product was moving rapidly towards a state of relative maturity (as much as it can be in a pre-release state), so there was already a fairly robust style guide to work from. I also provided a loose set of wireframes along with a set of requirements and a robust idea of creative direction to my team consisting of a Designer, an Illustrator and a Developer.

We wanted to celebrate and emphasise XDEFI Wallet’s rich brand language, as well as give the individuals working on the project the space and freedom to express their creativity. The creation of this website ended up also being instrumental to the development of XDEFI Wallet’s brand language thanks to the amazing work of the team.



Design: Kardo Ayoub
Illustration: Elvira Lanzafame
Development: Simon Morgan